Narcissistic Abuse & Codependency Therapy

Narcissistic Abuse Therapy

Do You Yearn to Feel Safe to Be Who You Really Are?

  • Avoiding to voice yourself in a relationship with a narcissistic partner or parent?
  • Feeling stuck in indecisiveness or looking to others often for approval or validation?
  • Often feeling anxious or depressed?
  • Do you yearn to trust and feel safe with your authentic expression?

You may be looking to feel more certain about who you are, heal your voice, trust yourself and finally let traumatic or toxic bonds go from your family, career, and love relationships that hold your power back.

You may want to understand why you go up and down in your emotions so often, to not be so stressed about everything, and not feel victimized or helpless in managing your life.

You may have received narcissistic abuse from a parent, a partner or a boss. Maybe you’re not sure and you want to find out more about what therapy for victims of narcissistic abuse entails.

You may feel like you self-doubt a lot or second-guess your decisions. It’s like a constant war between what you feel in your heart and the battles of your mind. If this is you, perhaps you are feeling you need some guidance in healing back to your true self.

It’s time to own your voice and reclaim your sense of self and personal power


Feeling Unsafe To Be Who You Are Is More Common Than We Think

This constant unsafe feeling is so deeply rooted in many chronic problems we see in bowel syndromes and autoimmune disorders – and you are certainly not alone.

As a therapist specializing in complex trauma recovery for over 10 years, I found that the trauma and traits are passed down in generations within families. I’ve seen across my clients that most challenges boil down to unpredictable, angry and unsafe parenting styles that are controlling and emotionally abusive.

Narcissistic Abuse Therapy Can Help You Awaken Your True Self

Therapy means healing your voice where you kept yourself suppressed in relationships to survive and reclaiming your true identity when you abandoned who you are to be approved of.

It’s learning to be more discerning and clear on your own decisions, and responsibilities and developing personal boundaries.

  • What part of yourself did you have to give up, abandon or sacrifice to survive?
  • What personal boundaries did you have to keep breaking or bending to get your lover’s approval?
  • Are you a people pleaser or do you put others on a pedestal to get them to love you?

Narcissistic abuse therapy helps you to reclaim, acknowledge and validate your feelings and perceptions as your own. Therapy also helps you to break down your own defences to listen to others with discernment of your own safety.

Narcissistic Abuse Therapy is grounded in healing your voice and authenticity. It can show you what you need to express in the present moment for healing in a relational context.

Everyone’s situation is unique but there are similarities in all of us. We work on the real practical heart-to-heart conversations in the relationships that really matter to you. It’s about your voice, how much you tolerate because of abuse vs. genuinely accepting. It’s about learning your boundaries and gaining back your power and autonomy to make the decisions that are right for you. It’s about having the courage to make mistakes and believing in yourself.

Is this going to work for me?

The truth is, unless the therapist is complex trauma-informed and has the personal experience of healing through trauma, and illness and seeing tangible change, it’ll be difficult to understand someone else fully. At the heart, therapy should be a truth your soul and body know. Clients finally get the depth of awareness and embodied wisdom they are yearning for. Unless the therapy hits you relationally through your heart and body, there’s no true progress. The greatest value this therapy can give you is time in accelerating your process by years.

Some people never heal properly because of frequent episodes of dissociation. For example, a woman who has been in a narcissistic abusive relationship has been conditioned to tolerate emotional pain and dismissiveness for so long that she has subconsciously dismissed and continues to dismiss herself without even knowing it. Bypassing and tolerance is how someone copes with a narcissistic personality in a relationship and this level of emotional pain that the person doesn’t let go of becomes hard to bear so the person dissociates or “checks out.”

Several years can be wasted not targeting root issues and as a consequence, we cycle in negative emotions and negative experiences longer because of shadows or things out of awareness. Many of us spend too long bypassing certain negative emotions and grief that need more attention.

In my personal experience, I wasted a lot of my precious years and resources staying stuck in narcissistic abuse and empath wounds. I didn’t have happy or healthy relationships where I truly felt safe. I was also financially struggling due to trauma and addictions and was chronically ill for years.

I also struggled with my own entrepreneurial career for many years, cycling in toxic patterns in business.

My clients end up saving time and making proper investments in their lives with less stress or making decisions that lead to more financial wealth.

You will not be venting with no guidance, direction or sense of progress. We avoid the inefficient style of you sharing with me, and me only validating your feelings in circles for years without resolve —you can do that with a friend or basic talk therapy instead. I’m here to witness your true voice and help you reclaim your sense of self and sovereignty. We work on your deepest relationships, and acknowledge, express and validate every part of you, for your wholeness and authenticity.

Your true self awaits you.

book your call with me today.

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